My Army
I am sitting waiting for a friend while she gets a test done. We had made plans for lunch, but as I’ve learned, the medical world does not move around your plans. You need to move around the medical world. She is a close friend and I know without a doubt she’d do this for me if needed. When things are good, your personal army may not be as noticeable. You may take it for granted that you are lucky to have good friends. You may think everyone is this lucky. It’s when you are in crisis that you realize who is truly there for you. It’s easy to be there when it’s fun and games. It’s the other times that give you perspective. I am lucky. I don’t think I took my army for granted, but I am sure there are times that I could have been more present, or more proactive. Just yesterday, my best friend Amy pointed out that I am not a plan maker. She pointed out that I’m so busy with my kids’ dance and baseball schedules and that I like being home with Kerry that I often ‘forget’ to m...