The Mid Way Point
The fog seems to have lifted from the second round of chemo. I am very lucky that I have not had any nausea, but the sheer exhaustion and joint pain has been excruciating. So far, the cold cap seems to be working. My hair is thinning, but not falling out in clumps. I will know by the end of the week if it is actually successful. I was going to name this post Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow? But Kerry didn't think it was funny. This has been a challenging few days. It seems that the symptoms compound, so it will get worse before it gets better. I have been lethargic and cranky. I have had no energy and my brain is foggy. The worst part is the lack of taste! I have a normal appetite, but I cant taste anything! I need savoury or sweet. My friend, Dionne, developed these amazing organic freezies called Deebee Pops which I LOVE ( I bought them at Pusateries. They are all natural, and I can actually taste how delicious they are! They have helpe