Rif Raf

As many of you know, I used the Cold Cap during my chemo treatments. I had hoped that I would keep my hair. I had hoped that I would be part of the very small percentage of those who don't loose any hair. I figured that since I had been so lucky up to this point, what with finding the tumour so early, not having had it spread to my lymph nodes, and by recovering so well after surgery that I would go through chemo relatively unscathed. Yes, I had minimal side effects, but the hair defiantly took the hit. Hair is such a defining feature. I usually had long hair. When I was young, I had hair to my waist and my school wouldn't let me go unless it was tied back. My mom would do very tight french braids every morning. I credit her with my smooth forehead as she pulled my hair back so tight! When I was about 11 or 12, I decided, on a whim, to cut my hair super short. It was not well received! All through high school, I ...