Birthday Musing

Today is my 45th birthday. I love my birthday. I always have loved my birthday and I love celebrating birthdays! There have been a few numbers that were harder than others, such as 25 - I was not happy to turn 25. I felt that it was SO OLD!! I had spent my 22nd year in Israel, and when I returned I was unsure what to do with my life. About a year after returning home, I started working at Post City Magazines as an advertising assistant for my (now) dear friend Lynne. All through my 24th year I went out, had dozens of 1st dates and just had a lot of fun with my friends. But all year, Lynne kept telling me to call her sweet, and very good looking optometrist to see if he wanted advertise. He didn't. So, back to my 25th. My best friend Lauren decided to throw me a birthday party at Indian Motorcycle Club. 20 or so of my closest friends came and it was then that I had an epiphany. 25 was going to be a great year. ...