Birthday Musing

Today is my 45th birthday.  I love my birthday.  I always have loved my birthday and I love celebrating birthdays!

There have been a few numbers that were harder than others, such as 25 - I was not happy to turn 25.  I felt that it was SO OLD!!  I had spent my 22nd year in Israel, and when I returned I was unsure what to do with my life.  About a year after returning home, I started working at Post City Magazines as an advertising assistant for my (now) dear friend Lynne.  All through my 24th year I went out, had dozens of 1st dates and just had a lot of fun with my friends.  But all year, Lynne kept telling me to call her sweet, and very good looking optometrist to see if he wanted advertise.  He didn't.  So, back to my 25th.  My best friend Lauren decided to throw me a birthday party at Indian Motorcycle Club.  20 or so of my closest friends came and it was then that I had an epiphany.  25 was going to be a great year.  I was surrounded by people who love me and support me.   And guess what, that cute optometrist?  We met in person a week later and it was practically love at first sight (excuse the pun).  We are still madly in love 20 years later!

35 was also a hard one.  I had lost my dad 5 months before and I didn't want time to move on.  I didn't want to be any different than from what he had known me to be.  The age itself wasn't hard, just the passage of time.  But, my dad always celebrated life, and therefore, I had to carry on.  I am pretty sure I celebrated my birthday in New York that year.

I loved turning 40!  My kids were old enough to sleep through the night, babysit each other for short stints, and I could leave them to do their own thing.  I had a close group of amazing friends who made, and continue to make, my life wonderful.  I was in the best shape of my life and felt my 40s would be the best decade!  Kerry threw me an 80s themed party and we danced the night away to my favourite 80s songs.  Turns out I was right - 40 was AWESOME!

44 has been a weird year.  It started off in the same place it ended.  Riz.  One year ago, I had to go for my baseline Mammogram and MRI.  I spent the day (not my bday - but close to it) doing all sorts of tests.  That night, I met Amy, Jodie and Jennifer for my birthday dinner.  I wore a tight top, joking that the girls needed a night out after the day they had had!  Little did I know....  You all know the rest of this story.

Anyhoooooo, fast forward to a few weeks ago.  I have not been able to work out because of my last surgery.  6 weeks of no lifting, no elevated heart rate (except when I see Kerry - he always elevates my heart rate!!), and no strenuous activity!  I realised that my 45th birthday coincided with being able to work out again!!  For the past few months, Amy, Tyler, Zev and I have been doing Erin's Wednesday night class at Rocket Cycle.  It is so much fun, and a great workout!  I decided that that was how I wanted to celebrate my birthday and my re-entry into working out again!  So, last night, I had about 10 friends and my kids come to a spin class and then out for dinner.  It was so emotional and fun!  The energy in the room was even more electric than usual, and the Rocket staff went above and beyond for me!  And then, we went to dinner at Riz.  Full circle.

So, this year has been the highest of highs (Zev's Bar Mitzvah, our cruise and European Adventure, last weeks trip to London) and the lowest of lows (ummm, Cancer anyone?).  But time keeps marching on.  Thank G-D!  Birthdays should be celebrated.  Not everyone gets the luxury of many birthdays.  Ageing means we are alive!  I don't have to look old, but I can defiantly get old!  I surround myself with good people who love me and take care of me.  I take care of myself and do things that are good for my body and my soul.  I took my kids to London, by myself, because we needed that time, alone, together.  We never know what will happen tomorrow.  My kids have watched this year unfold with a mixture of emotions.  They needed Fun Mommy back.  We had so much fun together, and they will always remember this trip.

We can't control everything that happens to us.  But we can control how we react to it.  I am trying to laugh more, and cry when I need to.  Crying and laughing are therapeutic.  I have learned to rely on people more, and to not own other people's crazy.  I even try to reign in my own crazy, although my kids may say otherwise!

So, here's to ageing!  Here is to MANY, MANY more birthdays - for all of us!  Happy Birthday To Me!


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