1 year - 20 years - 95 years

So, it has been exactly one year since I was diagnosed. 365 days. The day I was diagnosed, Kerry and I came home, picked up Alesh and went to Zahra's play. Spent an hour or so doing the cast's make up and then sat in stun in the dark audience. Only the adults knew. Coming full circle, we just had Zahra's school play again. She played G-ma and was incredible. And, she wore my wig as part of her costume! I hated wearing it and I am so glad that it was put to good use! She looked great in it and she nailed the role! I couldn't help but be struck by the irony of it. Tomorrow is also the Jewish anniversary of the day I met Kerry (we met on the day of the first Seder) 20 years ago. It has always struck me as appropriate that I met the man of my dreams on the day of my favourite holiday. Many of you may have just gasped - yes, this is my favourite holiday. I LOVE Passover. I love the food, I love the tradition, and...