Scared S@#tless

Hello all, I know its been a few weeks. I think every cancer patient should get 3 weeks in Europe to recoup. It did me wonders. We cruised the Mediterranean with the kids and Kerry's family to celebrate my in-laws 50th. It was perfect! The kids had the time of their lives and it was truly the best family vacation we have ever had. My in-laws were thrilled! Then the kids flew home and Kerry and I continued on for 2 more glorious weeks! I loved every second of the trip, and savoured every moment. And BOY did we have moments! Every day was a different adventure, and I absolutely LOVE travelling with my husband! I think we fall deeper in love on each trip! But now back to reality. The past two weeks have been filled with doctors and tests. We met with my oncologist, Ellen Warner, last week, and chemo was the plan. She told me that she wanted me on a 6 month course, but then called me back two...