Yes, I know these are lucky problems to have! This is tongue and cheek!

This post is not for pity - this is fo solidarity! I am currently packing 3 kids to go to overnight camp. I want to just lie down amongst the duffle bags and cry. It is AWFUL - but still totally worth it! I am living the drama that is playing out all over my neighbourhood and across the city. I know that all of us are suffering through the piles of clothes, the shoes, the toiletries and linens that are piled up in various parts of the house. For first time campers, the piles match the packing list to a T. As the kids get more savvy, and the parents get more complacent, those piles grow and take on a life of their own. My son's piles are relatively small and contained. I joke that he really only needs two outfits, and no socks, but he rolls his eyes at me - he does that a lot now that he's a teenager! One year, I actually called the camp to tell them he needed to change his clothes as he was in one shirt in EVERY single picture....