My Dad would have turned 70 today. We lost him to lung cancer 10 years ago, weeks after he turned 60. But on that birthday, we celebrated. We had just had Zahra, and we chose to name her on the Shabbat that was his birthday. It was perfect. He was so proud to go to Synagogue, surrounded by all of his loved ones and name that precious little girl. It was the last time he left the house voluntarily and had to be in a wheelchair (the cancer had progressed rapidly after surgery and he was very weak) but he walked up to the Bima and had his Aalyiah. His friends did a prayer circle around him and there was not a dry eye in the place. After, everyone walked back to our house and we had a beautiful party celebrating both the beginning of life and a well lived life being taken too soon. I learned a lot about life from my dad. My dad loved life, and appreciated the little things. He was a very opinionated man, and loved a good debate. ...