Labour Day Crankiness

Its Labour Day.

This is the worst day of the year - no kid is happy, parents are stressed because the easy going days of summer are ending, and teachers everywhere are scrambling to get ready.  Does anyone sleep well tonight?  The first day of school is exciting, but Labour Day sucks.  It just does.  Its a school night!

It's 6:44 am as a I write this.  WTF am I up? Good question.  One of the many chemicals in my body makes sleeping weird.  The first week of chemo makes me sleep with the craziest dreams - Smurfet and the cast of Fauda were at a party at my house; and the second week is hard to sleep.  The first week I can't wake up, and the second I am up at 6:30 every day!  But both weeks I have to force myself to stay up until at least 10.  Nurses orders!

I am not in a good mood these days.  I am bored out of my mind and totally cranky.  I am practically housebound as I am trying to avoid crowds and potential germs.  I also don't have the stamina to deal with more than a few people around me.  Kerry took the kids to the Ex on Saturday.  I LOVE the Ex. I didn't go.  I sat, basically by myself, except for a walk and then dinner, ALL day.  I read my book and sat outside.  It was lovely.  Except thats what I do EVERY day!!  Yesterday, he took the kids shopping.  It wasn't good. I am the 'take the kids shopping' parent.  There is good reason for that.  I stayed home.  AGAIN.  I hate it.

I know that I will get my life back. I know, logically, that I need to protect my self right now.  I know I am going have more days at the Ex, and back to school shopping.  BLAH BLAH BLAH.  I am cranky.  Logic doesn't help right now.  I feel shitty.  I can't taste food, unless its salty or really sweet, so everything else tastes like mush.  I and swollen from the steroids and feel like a squishy toy.  Don't get me started on my hair (I will save that for another blog) and have a new appreciation for some of the stores on Bathurst.  My joints hurt and I have an infection in my digestive tract.  My life will be great in a few weeks but right now it SUCKS!!!

I am surrounded by amazing people, near and far.  I put out on Facebook that I needed books to read and not only were there amazing online suggestions, books were delivered to my house!  I have already read 1 and just starting a second!  I love having friends drop in for a visit, or to take me for a walk.  I had a beautiful bouquet of flowers sent in by a friend, which was TOTALLY unexpected but completely amazing (  And all of you on the Mealtrain have fed my family and  burst my heart.

I only have a few more weeks of this, but I suspect they will be the worst.  I am ready (in my mind) to get back into the world - I want to get out of my house!!!  Last night, while not tasting my dinner, I asked the kids if they could eat anywhere in the city, where would they go?  It was unanimously The Octagon.  What I would give right now to have their caesar salad, a steak and mashed potatoes!  So, that is where you will find us once my taste buds come back!

Enjoy Labour Day!


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