Wow, it's been awhile

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last blog.  I know that I have been pretty visible on Facebook with my videos and posts, but felt it was time for an actual update.

Let me be clear - chemo SUCKS.  I thought that I would be back to normal by now, and just getting my strength up for surgery in February.  Let's just say it is still kicking my ass.  I am usually REALLY active.  I am not one to sit still for very long, and usually work out at least 3-4 times a week - weights, pilates, spin, cardio etc.  Now, I am usually bagged by about 6 pm, and can barely get through a 30 min ab workout.  This was not what I expected.   I also need to remind myself to take a break, otherwise I feel like shit.  If I do too much I get terrible headaches at night and it takes me a couple of days to feel relatively 'normal' again.

I am also dealing with the crazy hormones that go along with breast cancer and its treatments.  I am not on Hormone therapy, as I am hormone negative,  but my body is reacting to both the loss of my breast tissue AND the intense chemo I was on.  I always thought I understood what a hot flash was going to be like.  I always ran hot while pregnant and I figured it would be like that and that I would just take off the sweater or blanket and feel more comfortable. BOY WAS I WRONG!  It is like I am on fire from within.  I am usually either FREEZING or ON FIRE!  I will be sitting shivering with a blanket one minute and then a blazing inferno the next minute!  And NOTHING helps!   I don't even know what the warning signs, if there are any, are to prepare!

And, back to the hair situation.  I am sure that by now, most of you have seen on Facebook that I have basically shaved my head.  I have a crew cut (a number 4 on top and a 2 on the back and sides to even it all up)- and it is GREY!!!  I kind of hoped it would come in blonde  - I mean really - GREY???  FOR REAL???  Haven't I gone through enough??  However, I kind of love the new 'do.  I need to remember who I am when I see myself in the mirror, but it is pretty bold and fun!  I call it cancer chic.

On the positive side, I have been taking some great cooking classes with my friend Shauna Lindzon (, and my family is enjoying the fruits of that labour.  I have been loving catching up wth friends and I can't wait to go out to Vancouver to meet my new nephew and have some quality time with Tovah, Josh and the kids.  And I especially love being with  my kids more.  I was even the Pizza Lunch parent in Zahra's class the other day!  The first time in my 10 years at that school!

So while the recuperation is slower than expected, I am alive.  I am able to laugh, and enjoy good food and see the joy on Zahra's face when she gets to come home for lunch.  And when my days are not my best, I try to remember these things and just breath.


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